Thursday, May 14, 2009

Maruti: A True Leader

Maruti has given the big car manufacturers a way to get into smaller car market. The big car manufacturer are now following the strategy used by Maruti develop smaller cars for the market by using the same platform. The company has effectively used this to make a lot of variants of small cars using the same platform and has been a market leader in small car markets for years.

The company's like Ford, Toyota and Honda are also working on same concept to use the same platform to make small car and enter the market. Maruti has again proved its a leader in small segment cars. The new cars by Maruti are just having small variations and are doing well. Hope this strategy works well for other companies too..

Source: Economic Times


  1. well i guess ur absolutely rite abhi
    that Maruti has laid foundation in manufacturing small cars.......consumers these days prefer smaller cars becoz they they require less parking place, lesser cost of short easy on pocket.

    tats y all other big brands have come up with smaller version of hyundai,ford,honda ,tata etc....and they are doing preety well too in market.

    nice witeup as usual......!!
    keep writing
    all the best


  2. Thanx anu..

    Lets see if the big companies too do well like maruti and be a leader like it
