Thursday, May 21, 2009

Marketing Failure By BJP

People gave their support once again to congress and showed the trust they had in the party for the country's benefit. We look this past election from a marketers point of view and see the difference in strategy that was adopted by the two big parties in India, the BJP and the congress.

Both parties used all means of communication to deliver their message to public. All touch points were used and not even a single was left untouched. The parties used all means and similar strategy then why one failed to achieve its objective. The answer lies in the way both parties were positioned and the campaign strategy.

BJP was lead by Mr. Lal Krishna Advani who is looked as a senior leader by people and was leading from BJP's side the campaign. On other side if we look at congress their main campaign leaders were Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka. The people were looking for more youths to lead the nation and this worked for congress. They showed a team of young leaders who were taking charge. They positioned them selves in a more youthful image.

The failure of BJP was a failure of their positioning and the party which used all means of communication and spend a large amount of money on advertisement failed on the ground that it was not able to have a right positioning.


  1. The fact that BJP emphasized the concept of Hindutva and the whole fiasco of people in the party opting for Modi to be the next PM, were cited as the two major reasons by media associates for the promotional failure of BJP.

    A good read Abhishek.


  2. Ya kailash BJP has always tried to used Hindutav as a meaans of attarcting votes for them and this time people did not got attratced to this message so again their promotion as wrong.
