Thursday, May 14, 2009

From Product Manufacturers To Solution Providers

There is always a need of new means to communicate the message the company wants to give its consumers and to attract them in one form or the other. The change is required to keep the business alive and to enjoy a larger customer base, as it is essential for growth. The companies are now over with the concept that we provide products that satisfy your needs now they target consumers with concept of we provide solution to your requirements.

The market is over flooded with products and they are almost identical in their features and the need they satisfy . Hence it becomes necessary to look for a different way to position your self and target the market. If we look at market the service/ sales executives of products like laptop do not say they provide a better product but they say we provide solutions to all your needs.

Even companies like Nokia are now making a change from the general hardware company position to a solution provider, as stated by company's marketing director Vineet Taneja. The companies are now shifting to new concept and all small and large organisation now try to look more into the solution providing aspect rather just delivering a product.

Thus this seems to be working well for now as customers feel better as they think their problems are solved by using that particular product and it adds value.

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