Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ignorance & Fear: Boon for Sales Persons

We all need to buy something or the other and buying though looks an easy task but it is a lot tougher job then selling. As a seller we all exactly know what we have and what we want to offer but a buyer is in a stage where he knows he wants a solution for his problems but what exactly he wants is not clear.
As a salesperson we should know that Ignorance is what we need to remove from the minds of buyers and make then exactly clear as to what they want that will solve their problems and they will be the most benefited. Every human being thinks what he knows is sufficient and is not giving any significance to new things that might have come up. This is the work of salesperson to make the buyer educate of the various solutions that he may have and how the solution he is providing is best suited for him.
Secondly, when we buy we fear that the products which we are picking up, will they prove to be the best option or not,at that time also salesperson has the most important job to make the person feel comfortable about his purchase decision. This would result in a long term relationship by opening new doors.
Thus we see that both factors which are perceived to be negative are the most important for a salesperson. If handled carefully good results are guaranteed.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Microsoft Goes Amway

Microsoft has its reputation at stake after the poor response it got from its Operating System VISTA, now when it as becomes essential for them to make a mark again they have used a different promotion strategy for the promotion of Windows 7. They have taken the path that was used by Amway for years where people throw parties at home and in them advertise the company’s products and ask people to purchase or try.

Microsoft is doing the same as its opening a site called where people can register and if they are selected they get a free copy of Windows 7. The various party themes are available from where we can choose one that suits. This way of promotion has been started in many countries across world and India is one among them. The way as told by Microsoft is to educate people about the new OS and to celebrate the joy of its launch.

The way of marketing though old and followed by Amway is being adopted by Microsoft and they are using it for the promotion of Windows 7. Lets watch if it works out for them as now this way has lost grounds for promotion of Amway products.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Make My Trip Breaking Offisial Atyachaar

Make my trip has started the new ways to promote its tour packages and have targeted the people working in the offices from Monday to Friday. They have used the stress buster as a way to promote them and have launched a website for same. The people can actually log in and can use various options on web site to overcome their stress. The website relates directly to the people as all common problems which working professionals are facing are shown there. The website provides an interactive platform with all kinds of stuffs. It has ringtones, wall papers, stress busters, in all a complete package for time pass.

A song for same has been launched which is becoming very famous among youngsters basically. The song though may be funny but it actually shows the reality of the work pressure that people are undergoing.

The move is good as for the issue is concerned and the target audience is very carefully chosen by the company as people needs a good weekend after a hectic week. The new promotion strategy is unique as for company as, the present situation where companies are trying to exploit most from the employees and at same time employees are also not finding interesting to work on. Looking as a new opportunity hope it works well for make my trip.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Understanding the 4P’s: Rakhi Sawant's Way

Its very rare when you can apply the marketing principles to a person but Rakhi Sawant has done it and proved to be successful. The laws of marketing have been understood well by her and she has worked strategically so as to implement them correctly, thereby emerging as a hot seller in the market. The queen of controversies has become a part of every channel and has helped to increase the TRP of their shows.

Looking 4P’s from Rakhi’s way :

Product: She has established herself as an item girl in the film industry and has been doing good. Inspite of not been able to do well in the industry she has still gained focus and been always in lime light for some or the other reason. Thus for a product like Rakhi the market has accepted her well and she is selling herself well.

Price: Looking at the media attention which she draws , she is enjoying a good price in market. Her recent show called “Rakhi ka Swayamvar” earned the highest TRP for channel of NDTV i.e 6.3 this has been the highest for the channel ever since its launch. So any channel will pay to get her in their show because she can really get business going. Thus, price for her in the market is high.

Place: She has established herself as a “Queen of Controversies” and hence bought a lot of media hype for her. The negative image seems to be working well for her and has made her popular in the TV and film industry both. She knows how to use each situation strategically to gain attention and bring name for her. Thus her place is uniquely established in the minds of the viewers and no matter what ever issues she brings up, people love to read them and know about them.

Promotion: The strategies of her promotion are always unique and she uses a different way to be in news everytime. Sometimes she praises the judges and sometimes she critics them for fixing of the results, sometimes she is talking about the welfare of people and sometimes finding fault. Thus, through all these issues she has been able to grab enough attention and popularity. Her recent show “Rakhi Ka Swayamvar” was a unique promotion strategy which showcases the old Indian tradition of a bride choosing her husband as per her wish, and it certainly worked well for her and for the channel too.

Looking at the 4P’s applied to Rakhi, we can clearly see that its not just a product which requires these laws to sell or establish itself in the market. If we humans also want to sell or promote ourselves, we must apply the same laws to get established as a well selling product in the market.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reciprocal Marketing

Reciprocal Marketing is a way by which two business promote each other and is very popular in the e market. Reciprocal Marketing gained momentum when the means to draw traffic of consumers at lower cost was the call of time. Reciprocal marketing offers small business owners a number of potential benefits. For example, it helps reduce the cost of attracting new customers, adds value to customers' shopping experience, and is inexpensive to implement compared with many traditional marketing techniques. It is used extensively by business which are dependent on one other and have same customer base, Example: Make My trip promoting for various hotels and tourist places.

The e business companies strategically partner with each other and promote each other business and thus have given it a form of co operative marketing when it comes to the Internet Business model.

A similar concept in Internet Business model called Affiliate Marketing has also become popular where on of the site involved in reciprocal marketing pays for the number of customer that comes from other sites and it has been extremely significant and as a means for promotion and drawing relevant customers.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Collaborative Marketing

There has always been a focus to have a long term relationship with customers so as to generate more revenues by making sales. This has been a practice for a long period of time and every company tried to work on that, but now the focus has moved to a new concept of Collaborative Marketing. This has made the companies to think beyond the old concept and to have more customer involvement in whatever services they offer or products they manufacture.

Collaborative Marketing is all about involving your customer to customise the product and service according to the requirement of the customers. This proves to be a greater assistance for companies as they now don’t have to search customers for their products by going for specific target group. They can directly give their product/service according to the requirement.

Procter & Gamble has created the "P&G Advisors" program to collaborate with customers in developing new products. Customers try new products and provide feedback, allowing P&G to refine products and marketing plans.

Collaborative Marketing has gained more prominence by using the internet. The customers can now give their requirement and the reach by companies and vice versa has also increased. This facilitates companies to have a greater customer involvement and develop more customized products.

Even the companies have started to save on their R&D cost as customers directly tell their specific needs and what they want so a larger part of expense is saved. The time which was used to know what is required by customer and then to develop and again test is all reduced. So in all the Collaborative Marketing has made companies to look beyond Relationship Marketing and be more customer oriented.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Branding Workforce

Have a look at this ad by Intel in which they have branded their workforce in which they showcased their employees as rock stars. This is used as a strategy to attract potential talent for their organisation by showing that they value their employees for their innovative contributions.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Will GooOS Close Windows??

With Google all set to release its operating system in this year it opens up competition with Microsoft in operating systems which enjoys a huge customer base till date. Google is always known for developing innovative products which are very user friendly and gain a huge number of users world wide. So will the operating system developed by Google prove a real threat to Microsoft Windows, which is constantly releasing new versions of windows year after year.

On other hand Microsoft has also developed Windows 7 which is an upgradation of windows XP the largest used OS across the globe. This new version has a look upgraded to vista and is clamined to be free of the problems which were there with Windows Vista. They have already released the operating system free for a period of July so that it might be tested by users and then accepted.

Google is stil working on the development but plans to release it by end of year. The various features are still not disclosed but users are waiting for the much awaited product from Goolge and will it close the Windows down a bit of fully is still a question thats unasnswered

Friday, June 19, 2009

Social Media Marketing

When we look for a product and we always tend to more information from a lot of people as to how it works and how it functions and the more neutral the source is the more credibility we assume in his opinion. This fact has been clearly understood by companies and they have used this also for promotion of their message. The companies use a tool called SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING for achieving their objective and promotion of their products.

Social media marketing is an engagement with online communities to generate exposure, opportunity and sales. The number-one advantage is generating exposure for the business, followed by increasing traffic and building new business partnerships. Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, Blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Recently we have seen a lot of online communities about products where people leave their experience and we look at their views before making purchases and this reduces the risk of purchase that we have. Vodafone has used recently facebook for promotion of its Zoozoo ad campaign, it became the highest watched video on youtube. This all brings strength to brand and increases customer satisfaction when people talk good about the brand as a whole.

There is another side to such marketing as it gives the users a space to discuss their views of the brand in communities and forums so even the negative statement reduces the image of the brand and makes the customer to look for other options at times. So its a two sided sword which must be used carefully to get the desired result by the companies and to increase credibility.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Unfair Pricing In After Sales Service

Today we all are worried about the prices of the products that we buy, but what happens when a company follows unfair pricing policy in after sales service?

A friend of mine gave his laptop for change of his LCD and the company quoted him the price as above Rs. 20000. Well if the price of the individual products charged is so high why does the whole product LAPTOP cost around Rs. 35000.

There are a lot of unfair price practices which companies are following, they charge so high for a individual part repair or replacement that it sounds better to buy a new product instead of going for a replacement of part. At one side we talk about transparency in pricing and giving best prices to customer for products and on other side companies follow unfair pricing when it comes to after sales service.

This is very common in electronic industry but it’s a question as to why companies do this? Do they want customers to buy a new product instead or it’s a better way to earn profit by charging high?

A View of Article Marketing

Whenever the season changes or some new event comes we see a lot of company giving articles of how to make the things better and avail opportunities at that time. A lot of print articles are released by accounting firms when the audit time comes as to how can we get better accounting standards and save TAX. This is not a help that they offer us by publishing articles in magazines and news papers but in directly they do what is called “ARTICLE MARKETING”

Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry. These articles are made available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. Each article contains a bio box and byline that include references and contact information for the author's business. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients.

Article marketing has been common from a long time and its just opposite to concept of going online as the company advices the customer and also provides the solution and at same time various references to the business of the author. This form has attracted a lot of consumers always and remains to be famous when it comes to print media, as its a two way exchange between the news papers and the business. The business provides ten with article which helps as a content for paper and in turn a free space is offered to the business for article.

This is a cost effective way of advertising as the cost involved is minimum and it attracts a lot of readers to know about the company indirectly and what all way it can offer the services.