Friday, June 19, 2009

Social Media Marketing

When we look for a product and we always tend to more information from a lot of people as to how it works and how it functions and the more neutral the source is the more credibility we assume in his opinion. This fact has been clearly understood by companies and they have used this also for promotion of their message. The companies use a tool called SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING for achieving their objective and promotion of their products.

Social media marketing is an engagement with online communities to generate exposure, opportunity and sales. The number-one advantage is generating exposure for the business, followed by increasing traffic and building new business partnerships. Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, Blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Recently we have seen a lot of online communities about products where people leave their experience and we look at their views before making purchases and this reduces the risk of purchase that we have. Vodafone has used recently facebook for promotion of its Zoozoo ad campaign, it became the highest watched video on youtube. This all brings strength to brand and increases customer satisfaction when people talk good about the brand as a whole.

There is another side to such marketing as it gives the users a space to discuss their views of the brand in communities and forums so even the negative statement reduces the image of the brand and makes the customer to look for other options at times. So its a two sided sword which must be used carefully to get the desired result by the companies and to increase credibility.

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