Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Will GooOS Close Windows??

With Google all set to release its operating system in this year it opens up competition with Microsoft in operating systems which enjoys a huge customer base till date. Google is always known for developing innovative products which are very user friendly and gain a huge number of users world wide. So will the operating system developed by Google prove a real threat to Microsoft Windows, which is constantly releasing new versions of windows year after year.

On other hand Microsoft has also developed Windows 7 which is an upgradation of windows XP the largest used OS across the globe. This new version has a look upgraded to vista and is clamined to be free of the problems which were there with Windows Vista. They have already released the operating system free for a period of July so that it might be tested by users and then accepted.

Google is stil working on the development but plans to release it by end of year. The various features are still not disclosed but users are waiting for the much awaited product from Goolge and will it close the Windows down a bit of fully is still a question thats unasnswered

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