Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Management " i " Concpet

In an article by Arindam Chaudhuri i came across the "i" management concept of managing the indian way . We in our course of management studies are taught about various aspects about world market and global concept. The concepts how foreign markets work and how companies follow different strategies. The way a company functions in a market is totally the way the culture of the country is and its the way the companies function. An  American companys way of functioning will be totally domitaed by its culture as compared to an European company.

Thus the management "i" concept talks about teaching the Indian way. The culture of the country its belives about things are totally different from the others. We are never taught management by sticking to our culture and developing a strong platform for same. Thus we lack the sense of bonding to our culture at a broader level.  If we look at the way we are brought up, we Indians are attached more to our family and core values and we give more importance to them. This forms the basis of our thinking and we take decisions accordingly. Thus the course should be designed in such a way that it blends the indian culture along with management and gives us the required training. 

Inspite of having such great bschools yet our management graduates are not able to match with the international schools as we still rely on case studies of foreign companies for analysis and understanding. The "i" concept which he uses for training of various companies CEO's and managers should be promoted even to the b-schools for greater practical learning by students.

Source: A article by Arindam Chaudhari


  1. I would like to wish u all the very best for such a geniune effort, both the post that u hav made are very informative and unique in their own way.
    Do keep up,this great work

  2. The article makes sense and reflects on the fact which has been over looked by most of the b schools including ours.Inclination towards discussions about the western countries will be of immense pleasure only when we get acquainted with the Indian style of management which will give as a stand to differentiate or compare between the various forms..

    A great read..


  3. well certainly we need to get in touch with the Indian style as we will be the ones who will ultimately take up our jobs in Indian companies..
