Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ignorance & Fear: Boon for Sales Persons

We all need to buy something or the other and buying though looks an easy task but it is a lot tougher job then selling. As a seller we all exactly know what we have and what we want to offer but a buyer is in a stage where he knows he wants a solution for his problems but what exactly he wants is not clear.
As a salesperson we should know that Ignorance is what we need to remove from the minds of buyers and make then exactly clear as to what they want that will solve their problems and they will be the most benefited. Every human being thinks what he knows is sufficient and is not giving any significance to new things that might have come up. This is the work of salesperson to make the buyer educate of the various solutions that he may have and how the solution he is providing is best suited for him.
Secondly, when we buy we fear that the products which we are picking up, will they prove to be the best option or not,at that time also salesperson has the most important job to make the person feel comfortable about his purchase decision. This would result in a long term relationship by opening new doors.
Thus we see that both factors which are perceived to be negative are the most important for a salesperson. If handled carefully good results are guaranteed.